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+960 334 2930

Sunday to Thursday

9:00am - 5:00pm

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FINAL All-Weather BLOX contains the powerful active ingredient, Brodifacoum, the strongest, single-feeding anticoagulant on the market today. FINAL is effective in controlling both rats and mice but works especially well to clean out persistent mouse infestations. The bait of choice in the pest control industry, Bell’s patented All-Weather BLOX are manufactured from Bell’s unique extrusion process that yields a hard, multiple-edged bait with the palatability of a meal bait and the weatherability of a paraffinized bait.


With BLOX, you’ll get unsurpassed rodent acceptance and control. The multiple edges appeal to a rodent’s desire to gnaw. BLOX work well in any condition — wet or dry, indoors or out. Ready-to-use FINAL All-Weather BLOX complements Bell’s superior line of rodent baits, offering PMPs another tool to control rats and mice.

Get in Touch

You will find yourself working in a true partnership that results in an incredible experience, and a product or service that is best suit your requirement.

Call us on

+960 334 2930